
Yii Framework

Yii is an open source component-based PHP framework. This framework is object-oriented, high-performance programming framework for developing web applications in PHP 5. Yii web programming is easy, efficient and extensible framework. Yii is totally object-oriented. To learn Yii framework you need to know PHP and object-oriented programming.

Yii comes with rich features: MVC (Model-View-Controller), DAO (Database Access Objects)/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching, authentication and role-based access control, scaffolding, testing, etc. Yii also enables maximum reusability in web programming and can significantly accelerate the development process. Yii is a self- contained component which can be setup, reused or extended easily. Yii can shorten your development time significantly.

Yii allows to model database data in terms of objects and save their effort of writing long and repetitive SQL statements. Yii supports automatic generation of complex WSDL service specification and management of web service request handling. Yii also supports message translation, date and time formatting, number formatting, interface localization, data caching, page caching, fragment caching and dynamic content. Yii provides powerful command line tools to automate generation of code.

Yii is one of the most effective PHP frameworks around the world. Yii is very reusable, extensible and quite fast. SolverCircle Ltd provides best Yii development services to the clients with skilled Yii developers.